Herb Montgomery
Herb Montgomery
Finding the Father
By this all men will know we are following Jesus, not by how religious we are, but by the degree to which we allow the radical, self-sacrificial, other-centered love of the kingdom to flow through us.
Know God. Not a religion.
God did not inflict pain on someone else, but rather on the Cross absorbed the pain, violence, and evil of this world into Himself.
If your picture of God is wrong, the more religious you become, the more dangerous you become to yourself and everyone else around you.
We cannot love others by trying to love them. Only by love is love awakened.
If victims are left dependent on their violators waiting for their repentance this would leave the victims their victims forever.
We cannot forgive others by trying to forgive them. Only by being forgiven is forgiveness awakened.
Christ didn't come to start a religion. He came to establish a kingdom!
The cross was God's non-violent act of defeating His enemy in the great cosmic conflict.
God is not the one demanding the crucifixion, He is the one being crucified.