Jason Silva
Jason Silva
Shots of Awe
To be inspired is the ultimate antidote to existential despair.
We are all free to create our own reality, but it’s only when we are bold enough to decondition our thinking, to transcend … the reality tunnel — this linguistic and conceptual and symbolic framework that constructs reality, this “animatrix” pulled in front of your eyes — blinding you from ecstatic visions of what might be behind those walls. We are larvae who haven’t turned themselves into butterflies yet.
Curiosity leads to wonder which leads to “the ecstasy of understanding”.
Altering our consciousness whether is through external technologies or internal technologies, I mean mindfulness, meditation, rave concert, burning man, theater, this is all technologies, techniques, rhetorical technologies that capture man attention and are able to elicit transformational inter-personal experiences.
Instead of building walls, build perspective.
From the vantage point of space, there are no borders or geographical lines. There is only Earth, our Earth.
The scientist and engineers who are building the future need the poets to make sense of it.
Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
We have a responsibility to awe.